Just Thinking!

This book is all about, “Just Thinking.” I have been blessed to have had many experiences over the past 40 years. Many church and ministry related. Many family and family activities related. It really doesn’t matter what the experience is related too. What matters is what God can teach me from all of those experiences.

Let me explain how this all got started. In late summer of 1992, I moved to Lake City, SC., where I embarked on a 15 year stay at Calvary Baptist Church. It was my first time being responsible at writing a newsletter article every month. Computers were just becoming a needed commodity. Blogs were up and coming, but still in their infancy. Email was the new thing and people were still waiting to log on to AOL on their phone line. I began by writing out my articles on a legal pad that my secretary typed into the newsletter that she taped into the slot where it would be printed. I began writing about the upcoming events on the church calendar. One day after several months my older, but wiser secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Balton, spoke to me and said, “If you are going to rehash all that is in the newsletter in your article there is no use for me to put all that stuff in the newsletter. You need to write inspiration and thought.” I took that information from that precious lady and begin in January of 1983 of writing the column, “Just Thinking!”

Ever since I have been writing a monthly article entitled “Just Thinking.” As most things do it has evolved. It has received many retorts from practitioners, friends, and family alike. It was once a daily minute on a local Christian radio station for about six months. It moved to a weekly article when I moved to Reedy River Baptist Church in 2008. It transformed into a monthly article again later that year. Several years ago, it began to show up in a weekly email that I send out to church members and family and friends. My prayer for you as you read is that you will allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you and you will allow yourself to “Just Think” about what He would have you learn.